6.046 dynamic programming

DP notion:

  1. Characterize the structure of an optimal solution
  2. Recursively define the value of an optimal solution based on optimal solutions of subproblems
  3. Compute the value of an optimal solution in bottom-up fashion (recursion & memoization)
  4. Construct an optimal solution from the computed information


The main idea of dp: subtract and solve the subproblem, then reuse the results

Runtime: the number of unique problems+ the amount of merge work

In the recitation, a simple dp example is to solve the number of unique paths from (1, 1) to (M, N).

  • Subproblem: To the points on the edge, just one path; to the middle points, path to the left point + path the right point
  • Runtime: # subproblems = O(MN)
  • olc: I misunderstood that the subproblems should start from (M-1, N-1) -> (M, N) which makes solutions hard to get.

Make change example: Make changes for N cents. There are 1=S1 < S2 < … < S_M cent of coin. Find the minimal number of coins needed.

  • Subproblem: do a exhaustive search. Pick Si, then MC(N) = min{1 + MC(N-Si)}. N > maximum of subproblems of min{MC(N-Si)}
  • Runtime: O(MN).
  • It’s similar to knapsack problems (NP-complete). The linear solution here is due to the size of input is log(N), thereby it’s still exponential.


Rectangualar blocks

problem: A set of n blocks, {1, 2, …, n}, l_i, w_i, h_i. J on top i, require l_j < l_i, w_j < w_i. Rotating not allowed. Find the maximum height.

? RB(1, 2, …, n)

  • olc: the subproblem is whether to put the next block j on top of current (j-1) blocks.


Approach 1: exhaustive search

  • RB(1, 2, …, n) = max{h_i + RB(…except i…)} -> messy constraints l, w

  • redefine a compatible set C, then RB(1, 2, …, n) = max{h_i + RB(C_i)}

  • Runtime: O (n^2), # subproblems = n.

    • what’s in the compatible sets C? How to find C?
      • O(n^2): Scan the entire set, find the minimum for each one
      • O(nlogn)?

Approach 2: weighted interval scheduling

Sorted by length and then width {1, …, n}

RB(1, 2, …, n) = max{(h1 + RB(C_i)), RB(2, …, n)}

Runtime: O(n), # subproblems = n; + O(nlogn), sort; + O(n^2)/O(nlogn) find C set.

Longest Palindromic Seq

Input: a sequence of letters -> a string X[1…n], n >=1

Output: (limits) answer >=1

Strategy: L(i, j) is the length of longest palindromic subsequences of X[i…j] for i <= j.

X = 'underqualified'
n = len(X)
Dict = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]
def L(i, j):
if (Dict[i][j] != 0): # memoization
return Dict[i][j]
if i == j:
Dict[i][j] = 1
return 1
if X[i] == X[j]:
if i + 1 == j:
Dict[i][j] = 2
return 2
return 2 + L(i+1, j-1)
Dict[i][j] = max(L(i+1, j), L(i, j-1))
return Dict[i][j]

for i in range(n): print(Dict[i])

Problem 1: How to trace backwards to generate output sequence?

  • ChatGPT: use dp array to trace back and print the result.

    def printLPS(i, j):
    if i > j:
    return ""
    if i == j:
    return X[i]
    if X[i] == X[j]:
    return X[i] + printLPS(i+1, j-1) + X[j]
    if Dict[i][j-1] > Dict[i+1][j]:
    return printLPS(i, j-1)
    return printLPS(i+1, j)
    print("Longest Palindromic Sequence: ",printLPS(0, len(X)-1))

Problem 2: How to write dp iteratively?

  • Iterating: solve subproblems in order of increasing j − i so smaller ones are solved first

Analysis: # subproblems * time to solve each subproblem

  • Suppose X[i] are distinct, T(n) is running time on input of length n, T(n) = 2^(n-1)
    • 1, n=1
    • 2T(n-1), n>1
  • But there are only C(n, 2) = distinct subproblems: (i, j) pairs with i < j.
  • Given that smaller ones are solved, lookup is O(1)
  • memoizing, hash, lookup hash table or recurse


Optimal BSTs

Given: keys K1, K2, …, Kn, K1 < K2 < … < Kn, WLOG Ki = i

weights W1, W2, …, Wn (search probability)

Find BST T that minimizes: , which is minimizing expected search cost. Frequently accessed keys are closer to the root and thus accessed faster.

  • BST invariant: e(i, j) = cost of optimal BST on Ki, K_(i+1)…, Kj. Then the subproblems are {sets < Kr} and {sets > Kr}.
  • Want e(1, n).

Enumeration: draw trees when n=2, 3

Greedy solution?: Pick Kr in some greedy fashion, e.g., Wr is maximum. Use the key with maximum Wr as root node.

  • Greedy heuristic: the maximum weight node should have absolute minimum depth.

  • Why greedy does not work?

    • Intuition: when the maximum weight node happens to be Kn, the tree is highly unbalanced with all the nodes on the left of root node.
    • Nick Davis ex: Kn = 4, weights: 1, 10, 8, 9

DP solution?:

  • First question: what is the root node? Guess!
    • Make a linear number of guesses corresponding root node
    • e(i, j) = e(1, r-1) + e(r+1, j), one level below e(i, j)
    • e(i, j) =
      • wi, if i = j
      • MIN(e(i, r-1) + e(r+1, j) + W(i, j)), i<=r<=j
    • W(i, j) is sum of the weights from i to j. The weights add up when it goes deeper in recursion.
  • Complexity: . When j-i = 1, e(i, j) is certain and that makes up of C(n, 2) pairs.

Alternating Coins Game

Question: Row of n coins of values V1, … , Vn, n is even. In each turn, a player selects either the first or last coin from the row, removes it permanently, and receives the value of
the coin.

Can the first player always win? ->Guaranteed not to lose
Try: 4 42 39 17 25 6


  • Compare V1+V3+…+Vn-1 against V2+V4+…+Vn and pick the greater one
  • only pick from the chosen subset during the game

Problem: maximize the amount of money won for the player moving first?

Optimal Strategy: assume the opponent always pick best move for it -> modeling in the middle

  • V(i, j): max val the player can win if it is its turn and only coinds Vi, …, Vj remain. V(i, j) =

    • V(i, i), pick i (model the opponent behavior)

    • V(i, i+1), pick the maximum of the two

    • V(i, i+2), V(i, i+3), …

  • V(i, j) = max {pick Vi, pick Vj}

    • complication: V(i+1, j) is not the board in front of the first player that it can control. It should be the board that gets back after the opponent moves.
    • max {<range (i+1, j)> + Vi, <range(i, j-1)> + Vj}
  • V(i+1, j) subproblems with opponent picking

    • min {V(i+1, j-1), V(i+2, j)} Vs. the opponent picks Vj or Vi+1
    • Certain.
  • V(i, j) = max{min{V(i+1, j-1), V(i+2, j)} + Vi, min{V(i+1, j-2), V(i+1, j-1)} + Vj}

  • Complexity:

All-Pairs Shortest Paths


  • edge-weighted graph, G = (V, E, w)
  • is the weights from u to v
  • Dijkstra for SSSP: O(E + VlgV)
  • assume w(u, v) = if (u, v) E
  • E = in sparse case
  • Bellman-Ford analysis to detect no negative cycles: no negative

Question: given G = (V, E, w), find for all u,v V

  • Simple solution: APSP = run SSSP for each of V = |V| * Dijkstra

  • Johnson’s algorithm beats general Bellman-Ford and achives the general Dijkstra complexity bound.

Goal: achieve first and then


  1. subproblems: = weight of shortest path u->v using <= m edges
  2. guess: WLOG, guess last edge (x,v)
  3. recurrence: = for x V)
    • base case: = 0 if u =v; otherwise
  4. acyclic (tological order): for m = 0, 1, …, n-1: for u and v in V:
  5. original problem: if no negative cycles, then = = = … (In the worst case, traverse through all vertices without revisiting any vertex)


  • relaxation step is: if then
  • Complexity: , no better than general Bellman-Ford
  • relaxation step can be: = for x V) with overall running time of time

Matrix multiplication

  1. standard matrix multiplication computes , both n*n matrices.
  2. The fast running time is comparing to standard algorithm being
  3. connection to shortest paths:
    • define = min, = +, , , V = {1,2, …, n}
    • computation: semiring is * and +
    • complication: is circle-multiplication of W with itself m times
    • complexity:
  4. optimize matrix multiplication: repeated squaring
    • ( ( )^2 )^(2…) = , mutliplied by times
    • assume no negtive cycles, complexity is , better than general Bellman-Ford
  5. transitive closure: = 1 if path i->j; 0 otherwise.
    • = OR, = AND
    • for dense graph is best

DP2, Floyd-Warshall algorithm

  1. subproblems: = weight of shortest path u->v whose intermediate vertices {1, 2, …k}. F-W insight on 70s
  2. guess: is k the path
  3. recurrence: =
    • base case: , not to use any intermediate vertices
  4. acyclic: for k: for u and v in V:
  5. original problem: = . Negative weight cycle is negative


  • complexity: , compared to DP1the guessing time is constant and same # of subproblems.

Johnson’s algorithm

  1. idea: change weights on edges so no negative weights exist, then run Dijkstra on it. Translate to old weights and get the result.
  2. steps
    • find h: V -> R such that for all u,v V.
    • Run Dijkstra on (V, E, ) from s V => get for all u,v V
    • Compute by
  3. Proof of correctness: the shortest path is preserved but offset.
  4. Analysis:

Proof. For any u->v path p in the graph G, say p is v0 -> v1 -> … ->vk, where v0 = u and vk = v.

  • §
  • Hence …

Problem: How to find the weight function h?

  • triangle inequality: for all (u, v) in V, called a system of difference constraints
  • application: can think as an event v is happening before event u with constraint w

1. If (V, E, w) has a negative-weight cycle, there exists no solutioon to the above system of difference constraints.

2. If (V, E, w) has no negative-weight cycle, then we can find a solution to the difference constraints.


  1. Bottom-up starts with the smallest subproblems first and build up to larger subproblems. Top-down starts with the original problem and breaks it down into smaller subproblems.

  2. Bottom up via relaxation means solve subproblems by relaxing edges.

  3. DP guess is linear.