PSY introduction


我的笔记会包含问题,课堂觉得有趣的实用的概念/例子/观点,对一些忽略的事的提醒(Reminder of what we’ve already known),我在实际生活中采取了的行动和效果等。这将成为我个人实验中的一部分。


transformation vs information


  • difference from information is about how to apply that knowledge in real life. Projects is one way of transformation in computer science study
  • interpretation and focus of life
  • information is not enough to change the world:Over-promising, under-delivering


Either Learn from experience thinking it as opportunity or disaster that you cannot recover from.



Chipping away the accessing stone as David:

  • Perfectisim
  • Limitations,barrier

problem: how to apply it in practice: Introduce behavior,actual change in real life

why study happiness not depression?

Depression mentioned in course is something I can relate to. I’m familiar with that feeling of dwelling on past failures and not seeing the future. The course reminds me of I should see the positive side of problems and take actions after a right amount of time to feel bad about everything. The difference between active agent and passive victim is that active agent is always to make active move like to take active participation in course when you only write contents you understand or feel interested. Whereas the passive victims would feel sorry for themselves and start to complain about everything in life.

active participation: 不只是这节课,所有课程都该如此。学习不是教条主义,不是容纳而是理解,选择与接受。

problem: If I don’t have much time, what I want to do?

  • olc: the answer is finishing the course plan, design and implement useful things in my internship if there’s any.

1. focus on what works

Nature inclination: what I’m good at? What I can be better at?

2. Happiness is not the negation of unhappiness

回避内心的冲突 vs pationate/engage in what we are doing:


3. Prevention through cultivating capacity

Cultivate health/positive side/personal growth:

当一个人出现神经症时,说明他自身的成长和人际关系(relationship, personal growth)已经停滞不前,他没有关心自己的健康。

  • We diminish ourselves, that’s where we become ill.
  • Focus your health, strengthen your health
  • systematically build competency



  • identify the strength, set goal and future-oriented, role-model

  • Admit the weakness

  • Helping people is helping ourselves

    • Appreciate the good(be grateful, to grow).
  • ?? Tough enough to seek for help

  • find the right community

  • social support->find the right people: If you ask help for them, they would help.

  • Experience: what I can do to make it meaningful?

Ask the right question!!!






Responsibility = no one is coming



  1. 讲了一个例子为什么在哈佛毕业的一届学生里一小群人远比别人更加成功,由于他们具备两种因素:自信,相信自己一定能做到;总是问问题,在自己的社会角色变迁的同时,向同事问问题,向导师问问题,向老板问问题…


  1. Eduction: Question, find the right the question and quest
  2. become happier,这门课的主要目标不是变得快乐,而是变得比之前快乐。
  3. study ourselves
  4. simple, simplicity extracts from otherside of complexity, not just simplicity
  5. Stillness:安静的重要性。
  6. best way to learn is to teach: Learn -> do projects on your own -> teach, this way is more reasonable to me.
  7. Leadership: Be respectful and do the job
  8. 积极心理学:salutogenesis






1. Bridge building Vs. Division and separation

*Practical idealist:*People just see the stereotypes without seeing their desire of making a difference

  • Bridge ivory tower to Main Street

  • sense of mission, desire to make a difference: How can I make this world a better place?

  • false stereotypes: accolades, prestige, money

scenario: fall short of what we are cable of doing with good intentions.

Problem 1: 为什么仍旧有人身处逆境仍然成功?

Problem 2: 为什么有良好的动机仍然不能够发挥自身的最大效能,甚至为此所害?

例子:研究表明conflict resolution: 让矛盾双方聚在一起共同讨论停止争端;但这在中东地区矛盾方接触后反而引起更大的冲突。因为后来发现这还需要矛盾双方有一个superordinate goal,才能在讨论中逐渐消除差异。


ans: 理想和好的动机并不够,研究和实践需要结合起来。你必须自己去发现和实践,承担责任和失败的后果。因为没有人会来为你解决问题,你想要的问题的答案需要你自己去找寻。

2. Change is possible Vs. Change is illusive

  1. 这主要讲了积极心理学研究为什么合理。这门课的研究方向:Study what works -> study what works the best -> make a difference in practice
  • study also the extraordinary/exceptions as studying the average

  • Learn from the best: not only others’ best, but also personal best

  • How difficult to make a change? How is possible to make a change?

  1. 例子:一个干涉实验,对250个处于边缘的小孩进行干涉,250个不作干涉,(干涉指提供学业上的指导,解决家庭问题)经过40年的追踪,对照组和实验组在各个因素的表现都相差无几,而对照组在有些方面甚至表现得更好(比如在工作上的提升)。


  2. Exponential nature of social network/change/the power of one


3. internal factors Vs. external factors

Internal factors primarily determine happiness Vs. Happiness is primarily a function of external circumstances

fact 1: Extrem external circumstances would make a difference in happiness. But in general, it would not affect the degree of our happiness.

fact 2:Right versus wrong expectations would affect our well-beings, not high versus low expectations.

problem: What is the right expectation? Beliefs + transformation

  • believe in change from within
  • Transformation: interpretation, preception,focus of the world

4. Human nature must be: obeyed Vs. perfected

Nature to be commanded must be obeyed.


例子:内向导致的在很多人面前讲话而紧张。Tal 以自己为例解释说自己非常内向,在五人以上的场合讲话会非常紧张,但与其告诉自己“不要紧张,不要紧张”不如接受这样的紧张的感觉。因为不要紧张反而会使人放大这种情绪使人更加紧张。

the permission to be a human: it’s ok to experience these painful feelings.

  1. Active acceptance is not resignation(passive acceptance)

    • Certain things can not change while certain things I can and ought to change

    • the wisdom to tell the difference between changeable and unchangeable things.

  2. Distinction between ABC(affect-emotion, behavior-action, cognition-thoughts)


    • How to behave and act even with some emotion like jealousy/…
  3. 建立心理免疫系统:

    • how quickly to recover from the depression?
    • Strengthens when we give ourselves the permission to be a human

5. Happiness is and ought to be the ultimate end Vs. Happiness should be a secondary pursuit

理由:1. 对自己好;2.对周围的人好


Downward spiral: narrow and constrict -> sad emotions

Upward spiral: build and broaden -> positive emotions

  • olc:这个情绪变化的循环我应该在中学时就见过,只是当时仍旧停留在理论上,不懂怎么产生积极情绪于是陷在长期的负面情绪里不可自拔。只知道这个循环仍旧不够,重点是如何改变。



  • leading by example: people do what you do, not what you say


  1. Constrained view vs unconstrained view of human nature
  2. pink elephant
  3. 过度思考负面情绪 Vs. 静心沉思
  4. Be the change you want to see in the world.