5 synchronization

20 concurrency & synchronization


Scenerio 1: video compression algorithms represent each video frame as an array of 8-pixel by 8-pixel macroblocks.

Scenario 2: Applications like video games are naturally divided into the “front-end” user interface and “back-end” simulation and rendering engines.

problem: What’s the advantage of using multiple processes instead of just a single process? How should the processes communicate with each other?

Data-/Event- driven applications have the need to improve the efficiency. We can divide computation among multiple threads of execution. Independent sequential threads compete for shared resource while cooperating sequential threads communicate with each other.

We can divide communication models into:

  1. shared memory
  2. Message passing

goal: synchronization and thread-safe programming

Synchronous Communication in producer-consumer model

Producer sends char to consumer and consumer receives char.

  • constraints

    1. The consumer can’t consume data before it’s produced.
    2. The producer can’t overwrite data before it’s consumed.
  • design a FIFO(first-in first-out) buffers: The producer can run up to N values ahead of the consumer.

    Implementation: ring buffer in shared memory. Consumers control write pointer, producers control read pointer. After space is full, producer starts to write char into receiver.

  • design a data type for synchronization: semaphores

    Basic structure: an integer ≥ 0
    semaphore s = K; // initialize s to K
    New operations (defined on semaphores):

    • wait(semaphore s)
      wait until s > 0, then s = s – 1

    • signal(semaphore s)
      s = s + 1 (one waiting thread may now be able to proceed)

    • Semantic guarantee: A semaphore s initialized to K enforces the precedence constraint:

      The ith call to signal(s) must complete before the (i+K)th call to wait(s) completes.


    • use a special instruction that performs an atomic read-modify-write
    • use system calls.Works in uniprocessors only, where the kernel is uninterruptible
    1. for precedence: Declare semaphore = 0 -> signal(s) at start of arrow->wait(s) at end of arrow
    2. for resource allocation: Invariant: Semaphore value = number of resources left in pool.

scenerio1:single producer + single consumer

solution: enforce precedence and avoid buffer overflow

Scenerio2: multiple producers and consumers

Problem: producers interfere with each other.

disign: set constraint(mutual exclusion) to critical sections. Only one thread can execute critical sections at the time.

  • Issue: lock granularity->How many locks do we need?

    It depends. Think about the extreme sides: one lock for all accounts or one lock per account? We can choose the middle case.

scenerio3: in the transfer scenario, account A transfer M money to account B.

void transfer(int account1, int account2, int amount) {
//int a = min(account1, account2); dead lock solution
//int b = max(account1, account2);
balance[account1] = balance[account1] - amount;
balance[account2] = balance[account2] + amount;

Downside: dead lock: no thread can make progress because all the process are locked.

  • Example: dining philosophers



    solution: Assign a unique number to each chopstick, request resources in a consistent order

  • solution: Establishing and using a global order for shared resources

21 system-level communication

computer system technologies: each part has a detailed specification of the functionality and interface. We can still add things together without knowing the details of those implementations for things evolve rapidly.

Problem: what is the appropriate interface choices for interconnecting system components?

communication channel

fact: the synchronous multi-signal channels of earlier systems -> asynchronous point-to-point channels nowadays

problem 1 : how hard can it be to build a communication channel?

22 parallel processing

CSI, pipeline, date-parallel, cache coherence